Friday, October 23, 2009

Everyday Life Maths Question

Here is the pricing for economy rice from a typical coffee shop.
The question is:


Based on the pricing (first three from left to right), how much does the rice cost ? Also, based on all the four pricings, which one is considered not fair?

You see, maths question is everywhere. Just keep your eyes open.


mocha said...

yes i agree. can you help me to solve this problem - 2/7 of the number of girls was equal to 3/5 of the number of boys at a funfair. (a) what fraction of the number of children were girls? (b) There were 253 more girls than boys. How many girls were at the funfair.

chihungchan said...

Posted the answer in my blog. Since you did not classify the level, I put it as Primary 5